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Class trivia


Blessed Hammer#

Rotates clockwise in an Archimedean spiral starting directly behind you (3/2pi) and finishing 2 rotations after 5 seconds at the same angle reaching roughly 10y range at the final point.

It can hit the same target anywhere from 0 to N times depending on the size of target's hit box, presumably every time it intersects the hit box (usually ~2 hits on normal sized mobs).

The debuff it applies 'works' on any damage as long as it's sourced to the target with the debuff.



  • Uppon exiting combat your stagger pool is removed after at most 4 seconds (8 ticks).

Black Ox Statue#

Pulses threat in a radius (?y) every 3s, the amount of threat per pulse is x1.25 of your total AP

Has 50% of your HP at the time of summon, ~95% damage reduction against AoE, ~15% damage reduction against direct magic damage, ~75% damage reduction against direct physical damage.

Dampen Harm#

Damage reduction is proportional to damage taken after mitigation (armor, versatility etc.; stagger is not considered mitigation) and follows .2+.3*x where x is damage taken / max health.


Mastery: Elemental Overload#

Some casts from Elemental Shaman have a chance to Overload. This means an additional cast (the Overload) happens 0.4 seconds after the player spell was cast successfully. Overloads are separate spells to the ones the player is casting.

Overloads roll for crit separately.

The spell Mastery: Elemental Overload mentions Overloads to have a base strength of 85% (PvP: 75%) of their base spells. But each Overloads spelldata matches the spellpower coefficient of the base spell. This means the aforementioned multiplier is like a hidden buff (or debuff) for all Overloads.

Because player spells and Overloads are separate spells there occasionally existed times when Overloads did not deal an appropriate amount of damage.

Player spell Elemental Overload spell Type
Chain Lightning Chain Lightning Overload Baseline
Lightning Bolt Lightning Bolt Overload Baseline
Lava Burst Lava Burst Overload Baseline
Elemental Blast Elemental Blast Overload Talent
Icefury Icefury Overload Talent

There are even more spells with the above names. Each with a different sub-set of data associated. At the time of writing it is not known why these exist or which one is actually the "primary" spell.

Chain Lightning

Spell rolls its Overload chance on each target hit. The Overload chance of Chain Lightning is 1/3 of the actual percentage shown in Mastery: Elemental Overload. Chain Lightning Overload tries to chain to as many nearby targets as Chain Lightning can.


Some spells generate Maelstrom. Which spells are and how much is stored in "Maelstrom". Each effect of this spell describes a Maelstrom amount of a spell. The tooltip of this spell does not show all effects.

Surge of Power#

The talent Surge of Power adds additional Overloads to the next Lightning Bolt. These additional Overloads have an additional time delay compared to baseline Overloads. This allows the player to see multiple Overloads one after another instead of overlapping them.

Additional Overload Count Chance
3 2%
2 18%
1 80%

How to reproduce

  1. Cast Lightning Bolt and Earth Shock at a target dummy.
  2. Filter the log to Lightning Bolt and their Overloads right after casting Earth Shock.
  3. Remove baseline Overloads.