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Example Title#

Floating Quest Marker

Short Description#

A short explanation what this is about and how to identify it.


An in depth explanation of title. Use whatever format you need. Provide prove were possible. E.g. logs, screenshots

Provide formulas when possible.

\[ 1 + 1 = 2 \]


Detailed steps to take to reproduce and confirm the described effects of the page.

  1. Talent selection
  2. Order of spells
  3. Expected result


List of exceptions. E.g. spell-ids

  • spell-id
  • spell-id1


Screenshots fitting for title. Use highlighting to emphasize the subject if necessary.

Images of articles are grouped in directories matching their articles name at /docs/images/*. E.g. the file you're looking at lives at /docs/, therefore its images are at /docs/images/example/*.

Image Description
Floating Quest Marker Text description of image to provide some context.

On the other hand, if this file would be /docs/character/ its images would be at /docs/images/character/critical_strike/*


Logs need to be zoomed to the necessary part. Don't let your reader search for what you want to prove/show.

  • Log link
  • Log link

Additional Information#

  • WoW-TC Link
  • Foreign Resource Link

  1. Changed in 9.2