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Stat Scaling on Gear (Shadowlands)#

Portions of the budget allocated to items per slot per stat.#

  • Technically game tables specify the proportions per item (of which there are thousands), however with some exceptions where a stat is set to 0 the proportions for all are identical to below. For example trinkets usually have one stat and the rest are zeroed.
Slot Primary Secondary Stamina
Armor / Weapons 52.59% 70% 78.89%
Trinkets 66.66% 66.66% 66.66%
Jewelry 0% 175% 78.89%

Weights / Ratios, different gear slots have different weights for stats#

  • Chest pieces have more stats than Bracers, and although the game doesn't specify the weights explicitly each slot has it's own budget table, however the data in the tables is identical if you normalize for those weights.
  • One handed wepons and shields are exactly one half of a two hander.
Slot Weight / Ratio
Chest, Pants, Helm, 2H Weapon 1
Shoulders / Belt / Boots / Gloves / Trinket \(\frac{12}{16}\)
Bracers / Cloak / Jewelry \(\frac{9}{16}\)

Armor types#

  • Here the game doesn't explicitly specify weights either but they are derivable from the armor budget.
Type Weight
Plate 1
Leather 0.450825
Cloth \(\frac{89}{339} \approx 0.2625\)

Armor weights per slot#

  • Located in the ArmorLocation table (pun intended), these specify how much of the 'total' each slot is allocated.
  • Shields are not strictly in that table, however those have their own budget function which is proportional to the general function.
Slot Weight / Ratio Normalized weight
Chest 0.16 1
Pants 0.14 \(\frac{14}{16}\)
Helm 0.12 \(\frac{12}{16}\)
Shoulders / Cloak 0.11 \(\frac{11}{16}\)
Boots 0.10 \(\frac{10}{16}\)
Belt / Gloves 0.09 \(\frac{9}{16}\)
Bracers 0.08 \(\frac{8}{16}\)
Shield \(\approx 0.46881584 \) \(\approx 2.93\)

Budget functions#

We'll specify a few of the budget functions here and their general form in Shadowlands with rest given in a 'usable' form in a calculator below. Additionaly to allow for plain text representation we'll shortcut \(E(x) \equiv 1.15^{\frac{1}{15}*x}\)

  • General budget is 18.8176119*E(x)
  • Armor budget is 105.07158*E(x)+526.2159
  • Weapon dps is 5.6244*E(x) for one handers and x1.32441 for two handers.

Multiplier functions for stamina and secondaries#

  • Secondaries mult. on Jewelry is (0.08743624*x-8.1372727)/E(x)
  • Secondaries mult. on other items is (0.05464765*x-1.59191)/E(x)
  • Stamina mult. is 0.00362x+0.4029

An examle using the above: given the proportion of budget for secondaries on jewelry to other items (1.75 / 0.7), the difference in the slopes of multipliers and weights you could deduce that rings gain x2.25 more secondaries per item level than chests.

For how the above is used see Calculator